var is_ie_s5_ls; function opacity_s5_ls(id_s5_ls, opacStart_s5_ls, opacEnd_s5_ls, millisec_s5_ls) { //speed for each frame var speed_s5_ls = Math.round(millisec_s5_ls / 100); var timer_s5_ls = 0; //determine the direction for the blending, if start and end are the same nothing happens if(opacStart_s5_ls > opacEnd_s5_ls) { for(i = opacStart_s5_ls; i >= opacEnd_s5_ls; i--) { setTimeout("changeOpac_s5_ls(" + i + ",'" + id_s5_ls + "')",(timer_s5_ls * speed_s5_ls)); timer_s5_ls++; } } else if(opacStart_s5_ls < opacEnd_s5_ls) { for(i = opacStart_s5_ls; i <= opacEnd_s5_ls; i++) { setTimeout("changeOpac_s5_ls(" + i + ",'" + id_s5_ls + "')",(timer_s5_ls * speed_s5_ls)); timer_s5_ls++; } } } //change the opacity for different browsers function changeOpac_s5_ls(opacity_s5_ls, id_s5_ls) { var object_s5_ls = document.getElementById(id_s5_ls).style; object_s5_ls.opacity = (opacity_s5_ls / 100); object_s5_ls.MozOpacity = (opacity_s5_ls / 100); object_s5_ls.KhtmlOpacity = (opacity_s5_ls / 100); object_s5_ls.filter = "alpha(opacity=" + opacity_s5_ls + ")"; } function blendimage_s5_ls(divid_s5_ls, imageid_s5_ls, imagefile_s5_ls, millisec_s5_ls) { var speed_s5_ls = Math.round(millisec_s5_ls / 100); var timer_s5_ls = 0; //set the current image as background document.getElementById(divid_s5_ls).style.backgroundImage = "url(" + document.getElementById(imageid_s5_ls).src + ")"; //make image transparent changeOpac_s5_ls(0, imageid_s5_ls); //make new image document.getElementById(imageid_s5_ls).src = imagefile_s5_ls; //fade in image for(i = 0; i <= 100; i++) { setTimeout("changeOpac_s5_ls(" + i + ",'" + imageid_s5_ls + "')",(timer_s5_ls * speed_s5_ls)); timer_s5_ls++; } } function currentOpac_s5_ls(id_s5_ls, opacEnd_s5_ls, millisec_s5_ls) { //standard opacity is 100 var currentOpac_s5_ls = 100; //if the element has an opacity set, get it if(document.getElementById(id_s5_ls).style.opacity < 100) { currentOpac_s5_ls = document.getElementById(id_s5_ls).style.opacity * 100; } //call for the function that changes the opacity opacity_s5_ls(id_s5_ls, currentOpac_s5_ls, opacEnd_s5_ls, millisec_s5_ls) } //Ajax call lib jx = { http:false, //HTTP Object format:'text', callback:function(data){}, error:false, //Create a xmlHttpRequest object - this is the constructor. getHTTPObject : function() { var http = false; //Use IE's ActiveX items to load the file. if(typeof ActiveXObject != 'undefined') { try {http = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP");} catch (e) { try {http = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");} catch (E) {http = false;} } //If ActiveX is not available, use the XMLHttpRequest of Firefox/Mozilla etc. to load the document. } else if (XMLHttpRequest) { try {http = new XMLHttpRequest();} catch (e) {http = false;} } return http; }, // This function is called from the user's script. //Arguments - // url - The url of the serverside script that is to be called. Append all the arguments to // this url - eg. 'get_data.php?id=5&car=benz' // callback - Function that must be called once the data is ready. // format - The return type for this function. Could be 'xml','json' or 'text'. If it is json, // the string will be 'eval'ed before returning it. Default:'text' load : function (url,callback,format) { this.init(); //The XMLHttpRequest object is recreated at every call - to defeat Cache problem in IE if(!this.http||!url) return; if (this.http.overrideMimeType) this.http.overrideMimeType('text/html'); this.callback=callback; if(!format) var format = "text";//Default return type is 'text' this.format = format.toLowerCase(); var ths = this;//Closure //Kill the Cache problem in IE. var now = "uid=" + new Date().getTime(); url += (url.indexOf("?")+1) ? "&" : "?"; url += now;"GET", url, true); this.http.onreadystatechange = function () {//Call a function when the state changes. if(!ths) return; var http = ths.http; if (http.readyState == 4) {//Ready State will be 4 when the document is loaded. if(http.status == 200) { var result = ""; if(http.responseText) result = http.responseText; //If the return is in JSON format, eval the result before returning it. if(ths.format.charAt(0) == "j") { //\n's in JSON string, when evaluated will create errors in IE result = result.replace(/[\n\r]/g,""); result = eval('('+result+')'); } //Give the data to the callback function. if(ths.callback) ths.callback(result); } else { //An error occured if(ths.error) ths.error(http.status); } } } this.http.send(null); }, init : function() {this.http = this.getHTTPObject();} }